ONE TREE HILL. i love it. my dear friend Kacie got me hooked on it. seasons 1-6 of course, the current ones are horribly embarrassing pathetic. i am seriously so obsessed it's not healthy. i would rather stay home and watch this than go out with people on weekends. and if i do end up leaving on weekends, all i think about is relating the current situation about a one tree hilll episode. warning: if you are inspired by me sharing this with you, let me tell you now, nathan scott (left) is gorgeous and addicting beyond belief. oh and another warning, some of these epsidoes get a little riskay like a lot of tv shows these days... that's why you watch online so you can fast foward. haha

my mom would say im shallow, my friends would say im materialistic. but i'm sorry, i love hair products. anyone in this world who hasn't tried moroccan oil, definitely needs to try it. quick story: i used to have fried dry terrible hair. then my dear hair lady tanya inroduced me to moroccan oil's miracle oil treatment. wonderful. then i discovered the shampoo and conditioner. WONDERFUL. i now have somewhat healthier, thicker, fuller, softer, less breakable, wonderful smelling hair and i am a lot happier with my life. is that shallow of me to say? i just thought i would share with the world. so maybe their lives can be inspired as mine has been haha
Thanks for the info about the oil! However, I still have some questions.... My hair girl gave me a sample last time of some sort of oil (can't remember the name) and I thought it was unnecessary. I only use it when i curl my hair and the ends get a little frayed. Do you use it every day? Where and when do you put it on? Just the ends? Please enlighten me to the benefits and proper way to use it.
oh i use it everyday! but my hair gets soo dried out that it breaks off really easily if i don't use some sort of oil product. my hair lady reccomends to put it especially on the ends and maybe a little at the top where there is exsessive breakage. i put just a tiny bit up near my hairline too to help all the little baby hairs and broken off peices grow out. i'm seriously so dependent on this stuff, it's insane. but yeah, i use it when i curl my hair too! but it's also a pretty strong heat protectant so i can only use it after or my hair wont do squat. wow sorry i just went on forever and ever haha
I feel out of the loop! (which I don't usually admit and I don't like! haha) I need to try some of this stuff!!
Okay, I would NOT call you materialistic. I could bear my testimony of Moroccanoil! It is absolutely wonderful miraculous stuff. Know how, about a month after you get your hair cut, it starts feeling kinda fuzzy and frayed and dry on the ends, and you start craving another cut? Well, Moroccanoil solves that problem. I use it every day too -- just a tiny bit, like a drop the size of a pea, and it works wonders. I never have split ends anymore! It makes your hair really soft and shiny, too. The downside is its expensive (especially when you have 3 daughters that use it too) and hard to find. Stephi & Amanda -- if you want to try some, Heidi can get you a small bottle for $8 at a professional salon supply store. That much should last a month or two.
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