adventures of life.
Newly Discovered Things That I Strongly Dislike:
-online classes. in particular, microsoft applications online. it's terrible.
-wrapping perms. at first i liked spending 2+ hours wrapping teeny tiny sections of hair around itty bitty rods. it was kind of theraputic, gave some time for me to evaluate my life. plus i was pretty good at it. well... litterally 57 perm wraps later... terrible. and let me share a little known fact with you about beauty school. when a cosmo teacher's having a bad day, they always assign the project that will keep people quiet, require little to no assistance from the teacher, and yet still be considered legal beauty school education. what is this assignment, might you ask? perm wraps. shoot. me. now.
-sugar/fast food/white flour. it causes rapid weight gain, sick stomach feelings, headaches, muscle aches, fatigue. eventually leading to mild depression. do i need to further explain my reasoning?
-comma rules. in english, my teacher had recently found joy in creating lots of tests and assignments using all the different comma rules in sentences. is this reallyyy necessary? no. no it's not. put a comma where it sounds right and you think it needs to go. there's no need to name each sentence with fancy literary terms like appositive and predicationatory hgfghjbdf whatever. it's just confusing.
-memorizing. that's all school is. and i'm sick of it. to name a few examples, the literary terms listed above. waste of brain power. scripture mastery. now of course there's a good reasoon behind scripture mastery, i respect that. i just dont feel that this applies to everyone. some of us, we dont have that kind of brain capacity. is it possible? of course. 3 hours of studying and i learned all 25 for this year. but... because of this, half of my brain is worn out from trying to do so. the only half remaining is the part that tells you to breathe and keeps your heart beating and what not. so, might i ask, what ever would i have done if i had to memorize something else important? well. it's possible it would take up the other half of my brain, resulting in a decrease of manditory body functions. and possibly death. but this doesn't apply to all people, just the ones like me and my mother.
-girls with short fried hair who try to wear extensions. this goes without explanation, just dont do it.
-government. who needs it? it's just confusing. that if we didn't have government, there couldn't be government, economics, american history and world history high school classes. bam. that's a whole lot less teachers to hire. bam. our economy is suddenly richer. excuse me... more rich.
-driving. it's stressful. and dangerous. not okay.
-girls who wear cat ears, fox tails, pajama pants, knee-high, lace up converse, cat/dog collars or strange beanies with stuffed animals on top. um... yeah. i just dont get it. don't get me wrong, im sure these people are very very nice. they could possibly be super inteligent and could have lots to offer this world. but dressing in the manner listed above is not socially acceptable. the only thing that proves is that they must be extremely secure with themselves.
-makeup. it's suchh a waste of time. spending time painting it on in the morning. then it's smeared and sweat off by lunch time. reapplied. smeared and sweat off by the end of the day. but who cares? so it's left looking repulsive. then later that night it has to be reapplied to look presentable to go hang out with people. it's just insane.
-college prep. it stresses me out. people keep asking me what i'm going to do when i graduate... i really just dont know. and i kind of dont want to think abbout it until i have to.. haha
Newly Discovered Things That I love.
-paul mitchel super skinny serum. check it out
-catwalk salt spray
-messy, unkept hair. kayla mocks me. so what? here's my theory: 1. my hair never stays the way i want it to for the rest of the day as a result of sweat and wind etc. so if i try to make it look messy, no one will tell the difference. 2. if curl falls out, (which it will cuz it's my hair) everyone will think it's supposed to look like that. 3. less damage. sleep with it wet, scrunch it? no heat. bam. who cares if' it's an awkward frizzness? 4. much less prep time. wrap it losely around a curling iron? i've got it down to 10 minutes. shake it out, load it with product, freeze spray it. wa-bam. dont judge.
-vintage. anything vintage.
-the time era 1910-1960
Books I've Read Lately and Loved:
-5 cents a Dance.
-The Pact
-The List
Movies I Can't Stop Thinking About and Comparing My Daily Life to:
-Water for elephants. <3
-pearl harbor
-cinderella man
-that thing you do
-walk the line
-never back down
-the notebook
-the time travelor's wife
Food I Can't Stop Eating:
-lemon water
-cookie dough
-corn tortias
Habits I Can't Break:
-eating the above foods
-giving people dirty looks in the hallways without trying to
-being lazy
-having little to no motiviation
-picturing my life married to a hot personal trainer with a plastic surgeon brother. (ashamed to admit, but it's the truth)
-spelling things wrong. over and over again.
-staring at boys.
-contimplating my future childrens names 3+ times daily.
My Future Kid's Names:
Boy: Gadsden, Stanton, Braxton, Landon, Graham, Hudoson, Bently, Stetson, Stockden (spelling unsure on that one. haha)
Girl: Austynn (iffy) Bridget, Miller, Lucy, Sophie, Sally, Jocelyn, Spencer
-online classes. in particular, microsoft applications online. it's terrible.
-wrapping perms. at first i liked spending 2+ hours wrapping teeny tiny sections of hair around itty bitty rods. it was kind of theraputic, gave some time for me to evaluate my life. plus i was pretty good at it. well... litterally 57 perm wraps later... terrible. and let me share a little known fact with you about beauty school. when a cosmo teacher's having a bad day, they always assign the project that will keep people quiet, require little to no assistance from the teacher, and yet still be considered legal beauty school education. what is this assignment, might you ask? perm wraps. shoot. me. now.
-sugar/fast food/white flour. it causes rapid weight gain, sick stomach feelings, headaches, muscle aches, fatigue. eventually leading to mild depression. do i need to further explain my reasoning?
-comma rules. in english, my teacher had recently found joy in creating lots of tests and assignments using all the different comma rules in sentences. is this reallyyy necessary? no. no it's not. put a comma where it sounds right and you think it needs to go. there's no need to name each sentence with fancy literary terms like appositive and predicationatory hgfghjbdf whatever. it's just confusing.
-memorizing. that's all school is. and i'm sick of it. to name a few examples, the literary terms listed above. waste of brain power. scripture mastery. now of course there's a good reasoon behind scripture mastery, i respect that. i just dont feel that this applies to everyone. some of us, we dont have that kind of brain capacity. is it possible? of course. 3 hours of studying and i learned all 25 for this year. but... because of this, half of my brain is worn out from trying to do so. the only half remaining is the part that tells you to breathe and keeps your heart beating and what not. so, might i ask, what ever would i have done if i had to memorize something else important? well. it's possible it would take up the other half of my brain, resulting in a decrease of manditory body functions. and possibly death. but this doesn't apply to all people, just the ones like me and my mother.
-girls with short fried hair who try to wear extensions. this goes without explanation, just dont do it.
-government. who needs it? it's just confusing. that if we didn't have government, there couldn't be government, economics, american history and world history high school classes. bam. that's a whole lot less teachers to hire. bam. our economy is suddenly richer. excuse me... more rich.
-driving. it's stressful. and dangerous. not okay.
-girls who wear cat ears, fox tails, pajama pants, knee-high, lace up converse, cat/dog collars or strange beanies with stuffed animals on top. um... yeah. i just dont get it. don't get me wrong, im sure these people are very very nice. they could possibly be super inteligent and could have lots to offer this world. but dressing in the manner listed above is not socially acceptable. the only thing that proves is that they must be extremely secure with themselves.
-makeup. it's suchh a waste of time. spending time painting it on in the morning. then it's smeared and sweat off by lunch time. reapplied. smeared and sweat off by the end of the day. but who cares? so it's left looking repulsive. then later that night it has to be reapplied to look presentable to go hang out with people. it's just insane.
-college prep. it stresses me out. people keep asking me what i'm going to do when i graduate... i really just dont know. and i kind of dont want to think abbout it until i have to.. haha
Newly Discovered Things That I love.
-paul mitchel super skinny serum. check it out
-catwalk salt spray
-messy, unkept hair. kayla mocks me. so what? here's my theory: 1. my hair never stays the way i want it to for the rest of the day as a result of sweat and wind etc. so if i try to make it look messy, no one will tell the difference. 2. if curl falls out, (which it will cuz it's my hair) everyone will think it's supposed to look like that. 3. less damage. sleep with it wet, scrunch it? no heat. bam. who cares if' it's an awkward frizzness? 4. much less prep time. wrap it losely around a curling iron? i've got it down to 10 minutes. shake it out, load it with product, freeze spray it. wa-bam. dont judge.
-vintage. anything vintage.
-the time era 1910-1960
Books I've Read Lately and Loved:
-5 cents a Dance.
-The Pact
-The List
Movies I Can't Stop Thinking About and Comparing My Daily Life to:
-Water for elephants. <3
-pearl harbor
-cinderella man
-that thing you do
-walk the line
-never back down
-the notebook
-the time travelor's wife
Food I Can't Stop Eating:
-lemon water
-cookie dough
-corn tortias
Habits I Can't Break:
-eating the above foods
-giving people dirty looks in the hallways without trying to
-being lazy
-having little to no motiviation
-picturing my life married to a hot personal trainer with a plastic surgeon brother. (ashamed to admit, but it's the truth)
-spelling things wrong. over and over again.
-staring at boys.
-contimplating my future childrens names 3+ times daily.
My Future Kid's Names:
Boy: Gadsden, Stanton, Braxton, Landon, Graham, Hudoson, Bently, Stetson, Stockden (spelling unsure on that one. haha)
Girl: Austynn (iffy) Bridget, Miller, Lucy, Sophie, Sally, Jocelyn, Spencer
Dirty Little Whores/PLL/Pretty Little Liars
My friend's dad calls this show dirty little whores, therefore i cant take credit for that nickname. pretty much, i love this show to death. is it a little... uhh.... risky? yes. yes it is. ill admit that. but i still am obsessed with it. it's really difficult for me to admit that i like it, for it is somewhat centered around sluts and materialistic things. not to mention that it's super popular right now. and i dont like liking things that other people like. like, ya know what i mean? ps i said like so many times right there on purpose. just so you know.
why do i love this show? well i'll tell you why. with picture references. :)
Reason #1: theses girls are... HOT.

Reason #2. the plot is amazing. sometimes it does get a little bit confusing and complicated and dirty. and sometimes it's obvious the script writters are just trying to stretch this out over as many seasons as possible... but whatevs. i still like it.

this is Hannah. i am inlove with her. just look at that! she's adorable. i try to get my hair to look like hers... haha

okay.... Aria. i LOVE her. look at that!

Reason #3. they dress amazing. this was the best picture i could find to even somewhat represent how much of a fashion icon they are to my life. ya know how there's those shows that kind of represent the styles of the decade? like.. full house. obviously the 90's. lizzy maguire. obviously early 2000's. am i right? yes. well this show, completely describes the styles of the 2010's. although most of society now a days cannot put outfits together that are even close to this good.. haha. and they each have their unique style, so it provides a wide range of inspiration. Emily: far left. tom boy, sporty, casual style. she's not my favorite.. haha. Spencer: 2nd to left. first of all, the name? wonderful. her style's more, classic vintage prep school, with a twist. Aria: 2nd from right. i loveeee herrr..... she's gorgeous. and her hair's so thick and dark and wonderful. her style's kind of vintage, kind of punk rock sort of. kind of indie/hippie. Hannah: far right. girly. classic style, ruffles, pastels, pearls, glitter. but sooo cute... <3

Reason #4 look at that hairrrr.

Reason #5. the boys. hot teacher alert. featured above.

hot rebel boy. he needs to cut his hair though...

jerk, but he's attractive.

kind of scary looking, but hey, ill take it.
to complete my obsession analysis, here"s a link so you can be further inspired. haha
why do i love this show? well i'll tell you why. with picture references. :)
Reason #1: theses girls are... HOT.
Reason #2. the plot is amazing. sometimes it does get a little bit confusing and complicated and dirty. and sometimes it's obvious the script writters are just trying to stretch this out over as many seasons as possible... but whatevs. i still like it.
this is Hannah. i am inlove with her. just look at that! she's adorable. i try to get my hair to look like hers... haha
okay.... Aria. i LOVE her. look at that!
Reason #3. they dress amazing. this was the best picture i could find to even somewhat represent how much of a fashion icon they are to my life. ya know how there's those shows that kind of represent the styles of the decade? like.. full house. obviously the 90's. lizzy maguire. obviously early 2000's. am i right? yes. well this show, completely describes the styles of the 2010's. although most of society now a days cannot put outfits together that are even close to this good.. haha. and they each have their unique style, so it provides a wide range of inspiration. Emily: far left. tom boy, sporty, casual style. she's not my favorite.. haha. Spencer: 2nd to left. first of all, the name? wonderful. her style's more, classic vintage prep school, with a twist. Aria: 2nd from right. i loveeee herrr..... she's gorgeous. and her hair's so thick and dark and wonderful. her style's kind of vintage, kind of punk rock sort of. kind of indie/hippie. Hannah: far right. girly. classic style, ruffles, pastels, pearls, glitter. but sooo cute... <3
Reason #4 look at that hairrrr.
Reason #5. the boys. hot teacher alert. featured above.
hot rebel boy. he needs to cut his hair though...
jerk, but he's attractive.
kind of scary looking, but hey, ill take it.
to complete my obsession analysis, here"s a link so you can be further inspired. haha
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